
Note: Treadmills should not be used by Children 

  1. Make a goal for yourself.

Goals could include taking a daily walk, increasing the amount of jumping jacks or squats they can do, increasing the length of time they can maintain a plank, or even training for a 5k. You may find a range of workout challenges for people of all ages and fitness levels on the internet. Consider putting up a chart in the house where you can cross off your daily goals and track your progress.

Discuss the advantages of physical activity with your child and ask their input on a goal they\’d like to achieve. Small, gradual goals might encourage a youngster to get active and establish long-term healthy behaviors.

  1. Use your imagination.

Variety is essential for children\’s enjoyment of exercise. Inquire about your child\’s favorite activities to ensure that physical activity is something they like. Walking, biking, dancing, interval running, yoga, playing outside, body weight exercises, and more are all good options.

Write several tasks on sheets of paper and draw them out of a bucket for a surprise, or rotate which family member chooses an activity for the day.

  1. Make use of online resources.

While screen time may appear to be a deterrent to physical activity, it can actually be one of the most useful tools for discovering a range of physical activities to undertake at home. There are so many workout resources online and streaming, that parents may use technology that their children are already familiar with to help get them moving. There are numerous solutions that are both family-friendly and age-appropriate.

  1. Make physical activity a family priority.

Take a walk or a bike ride with your family, kick a ball around outside, or join your youngster for a video-led yoga or gym session. Set a goal for yourself when your child does to demonstrate healthy choices. Being active as a family is not only excellent for your health, but it also allows you to spend quality time together.

If you actually want to motivate your youngster to begin exercising, the best thing you can do is lead by example. What their family does has the greatest impact on whether or not their children will be healthy and active.

Rather than expecting your children to accomplish it on their own, choose to be active with them as much as possible.

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