An Introduction to Keeping Chickens in Ireland

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Chickens with!

At, we are passionate about helping you embrace the joy and benefits of keeping chickens at home! Whether you’re a seasoned poultry enthusiast or a curious beginner, our high-quality chicken coops and runs are designed to make your chicken-keeping experience rewarding and enjoyable. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the basics of starting your chicken-keeping journey in Ireland.


Why Keep Chickens?

Keeping chickens offers a range of benefits, including: 

  • Fresh Eggs: Enjoy fresh, delicious eggs straight from your garden. 

  • Sustainable Living: Reduce food waste by feeding kitchen scraps to your chickens. 

  • Natural Pest Control: Chickens love to eat insects, helping keep your garden pest-free. 

  • Educational: It’s a fantastic way to teach children about responsibility and nature. 

  • Companionship: Chickens are social animals and can be delightful pets. 


Now that you’re convinced to get some feathered friends, here’s our tips on getting started.. 

An Introduction to Keeping Chickens in Ireland

What you need..


1. Chicken Coop and Run 

  • Coop: This is where your chickens will sleep and lay eggs. At, we offer a range of sturdy, weather-resistant coops designed to keep your chickens safe and comfortable. 

  • Run: A run provides a secure outdoor area for your chickens to roam and forage. Our runs are spacious and predator-proof, ensuring your chickens can enjoy fresh air and exercise safely. 

2. Chickens – the fun part!
  • Breeds: Choose breeds that are suited to Ireland’s climate. Popular breeds include Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, and Marans, which are known for their hardiness and good egg production. 

  • Sources: Buy your chickens from reputable breeders or farms. Ensure they are healthy and vaccinated and get regular checks on them to make sure they are healthy and happy.


3. Feed and Water 

  • Feed: Provide a balanced diet with commercial layer pellets, along with occasional treats like vegetables and grains. 

  • Water: Fresh water should always be available. Consider using a waterer that prevents contamination. 



4. Bedding 

  • Use straw or wood shavings for bedding inside the coop. This helps keep the coop clean and provides comfort for your chickens. 


Setting Up Your Chicken Coop 

Location: Place the coop in a well-drained area that receives some sunlight. Ensure it’s sheltered from strong winds. 

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent moisture buildup and respiratory issues. Our coops are designed with adequate ventilation to keep your chickens healthy. 

Security: Protect your chickens from predators like foxes and rats. Our coops and runs are built with secure locks and sturdy materials to keep your flock safe. 



Daily Care and Maintenance 

  • Feeding: Check feed and water levels daily. Clean and refill as needed. 

  • Egg Collection: Collect eggs daily to keep them clean and prevent them from being broken. 

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the coop and replace bedding to maintain a hygienic environment. 


  • Health Checks: Observe your chickens for any signs of illness or distress. Healthy chickens are active, with bright eyes and smooth feathers. 


Seasonal Considerations 

Winter: Ensure the coop is well-insulated. Provide extra bedding and check water supplies to prevent freezing. 

Summer: Ensure there is plenty of shade and fresh water. Consider adding a dust bath area to help chickens stay cool and control parasites. 



Getting the Most from Your Chicken-Keeping Experience 

  • Interact with Your Chickens: Spend time with your chickens to understand their behaviour and build a bond. They can recognize their owners and enjoy social interaction. 


  • Join a Community: Connect with other chicken keepers in Ireland through local clubs or online forums. Sharing experiences and tips can be invaluable. There are some great groups on Facebook where you can learn tips from others who have been keeping chickens for long time and know their way around a coop! Your Partner in Chicken Keeping 

At, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Our range of chicken coops and runs are designed with the highest standards of quality and safety in mind. Visit our website to explore our range of coops and runs, and find the perfect setup for your backyard flock. 

Embark on your chicken-keeping adventure with confidence, knowing that has everything you need to create a happy and healthy environment for your chickens. Happy clucking!

Check out our top 3 chicken coops & runs!

Poultry Palace

  • Locking hinged doors
  • Nest box
  • Felt roof with a tile style
  • Slide out metal floor for easy cleaning
  • Fox proof catch on door

Chicken Run XXL – 8-12 Birds

  • Dimensions: 144 x 63 x 75cm / 56.7 x 24.8 x 29.5 inches
  • Suitable only for our 8-12 coops
  • Strong, high-quality materials
  • Made with durable fir wood
  • Fox-proof welded run wire

Wheely Easy Chicken Coop

  • Locking hinged doors
  • Fox proof catch
  • Slide out zinc floor for easy cleaning
  • Ramp going from the run to the living area for easy access for your chickens

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