
Acclimatising Your Dog To It’s Kennel

Acclimatising Your Dog To It’s Kennel

It is critical that you spend some time acclimating your dog to their new home once you have purchased a dog kennel. This will assist avoid a dog owner\’s worst nightmare: a dog who refuses to sleep in his or her kennel. We at InTheMarket,ie have  compiled a list of helpful hints to assist you with this process.

Choose The Right Time

Our first piece of advice is to make the first few days in your dog\’s kennel as pleasant as possible. Make sure your dog isn\’t left in their new home during a winter snowstorm or on a really cold day, especially if they\’re used to being inside. Allow them to sleep in their new home while the weather is pleasant until they are accustomed to it. Begin by putting them in their kennel for the duration of the day.

Keep The Kennel Close

Our second piece of advice we have is to keep the dog kennel close to the house for the first week or two. You don\’t want your pet to think you\’ve forgotten about them. If you do this, your dog will immediately despise their dog house and long to return to the arms of their beloved owner. So you don\’t just relegate them to the garden\’s depths. Make sure they are exposed to a variety of smells, sights, and sounds.

acclimatise your dog

This Will Take Time

The following piece of advice is to be patient and not give up right away! We\’ve all experienced the feeling of hating change. Some dogs simply require a little more convincing than others, and with their owners\’ assistance, they will quickly fall in love with their brand-new home. Sit next to the kennel and play with your dog\’s favourite toy, then toss it in and wait for your dog to retrieve it.

Make the dog\’s new kennel as comfortable as possible! Pillows and cushions that the dog is accustomed to sleeping with should be included. To coax the dog into the kennel, place his or her favourite blanket inside.

We all adore our dogs, and nothing would make us happier than for them to be able to spend all of their time indoors. However, after countless family antiques, couches, and pieces of furniture have been destroyed by chewing, hair, and \”accidents,\” every dog must take a rest outside.

Ensure that the dog in the kennel is fed. As a result, they identify their new home with dog food, and hence with pleasant and joyful experiences. If the dog realises that they must go to their house to eat they will eventually begin to like it.

Setting up your dog\’s new kennel may take some time and effort, but at the end of the day, everyone is happy (including the dog who has gained countless new toys and blankets).

Check out our selection of InTheMarket.ie kennels…

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