
Guide to Managing Animals in Hot Weather.

We are currently going through a hot spell, that other countries call Summer, we believe. Perhaps it may last a bit longer and by then we will all be complaining that there is no ice cream left and we are getting too sun burnt. This is all happening at the time of writing which is May 2023 by the way, in case you are reading this in some future Winter and wondering what we are going on about.

Reduce the heat: You can reduce the heat by planting trees, grass and plants which can help to reduce heat, alongside providing shade and shelter for animals .

Here are some basic tips to help animals in the heat:

  1. Provide water: Hot weather can be great for some wildlife. However, it is important to make sure they have access to water. You can put out a bowl of water or create a small pond.
  2. Provide shelter: It’s much cooler out of the sun. You can provide shade by planting trees, grass and plants which can help to reduce heat, alongside providing shade and shelter for animals.
  3. Provide food: Leaves, fruits, seeds and roots are all food for different animals to eat.
  4. Create habitats: As well as helping animals in immediate heatwaves, you can also do things for the long term. Planting trees, grass and plants can help to reduce heat, alongside providing shade and shelter for animals.

5.   Reduce the heat: You can reduce the heat by planting trees, grass and plants which can help to reduce heat, alongside providing shade and shelter for animals .


Please keep in mind that animals can easily become dehydrated and hot. It is preferable totake dogs for walks in the early morning and late evening when the sun is lower in the sky and the weather is cooler. Test the asphalt or concrete surface with the back of your hand before letting your pet walk on it. Dogs can burn their feet because their paw pads are so sensitive. It\’s probably too hot for their feet if it\’s too hot for your hand!

Keep the homes of any small mammals you may have in your garden, such as rabbits, in the shade. They can heat up quite quickly, so you might also line the front of their enclosures with newspaper. Even if they are housed indoors, all caged animals need to be kept away of direct sunlight. Watch out for bird cages or aviaries that are close to a window.

Pets who get heatstroke may suffer severe harm or possibly pass away. Understand thewarning indications

  • a lot of panting
  • higher heart rate
  • bleak or dry gums
  • sluggishness, coma, or collapse

What to do if you see an animal locked in a car

The ISPCA advises calling your local Garda station or our National Animal Cruelty Helpline at 0818 515 515 if you do see an animal locked in a car on a hot day. The Animal Health and Welfare Act (AHWA) 2013 permits Authorised Officers to enter a vehicle and, if required, rescue a frightened animal by employing reasonable force. \”Authorized Officers\” include Garda Sóchána members and ISPCA animal welfare inspectors. Individuals who break into another person\’s property without permission run the risk of being sued.  It is best to call the Garda immediately in case of an emergency.

Summertime Noise

Some pets may become distressed by the noise and excitement of the summer break and exhibit unusual or severe behavior. The ISPCA strongly advises having your dogs microchipped as a long-term form of identification and making sure that your contact information is always accurate. Together, these kinds of identification increase the likelihood that you will be reunited with your cherished pet in the event that they escape. You should also wear an ID tag. To block out part of the noise from fireworks displays or other events, you can leave the TV or radio on. If terrified by loud noise, pets should have a secure place to hide, therefore a quiet room in the house will help with closed curtains.

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