
Guide to Owning Your Own Marquee.

Owning a marquee can have numerous benefits, whether it\’s for personal or commercial use. Here in Ireland, we know that just because it is Spring or even Summer, it is still likely that the weather will include rain of some kind. That’s why if you are having a gathering for a christening, Confirmation, 21st, a wedding or just a random get together with family or friends, having a marquee guarantees that there will be shelter, in a nice surrounding and you will be protected from the elements.


Here are just a few reasons why it’s good to have your own:

  1. Versatility: Marquees are incredibly versatile, making them ideal for a range of events and occasions. They can be used for weddings, corporate events, festivals, birthday parties, and more. Their flexibility means that you can customize them to suit your specific needs, whether that means adding lighting, heating, or air conditioning.
  1. Weather protection: One of the biggest benefits of owning a marquee is that it can provide protection from the elements in Ireland. Whether it\’s rain, wind, or sun, a marquee can offer shelter and shade, ensuring that your guests are comfortable no matter what the weather is like outside.

Check out our full range of Marquees Here

  1. Increased capacity: If you\’re hosting an event and need additional space, a marquee can be an excellent solution. With a marquee, you can increase the capacity of your event without having to worry about finding a larger venue.
  1. Branding opportunities: For businesses, owning a marquee can offer excellent branding opportunities. You can customise your marquee with your company\’s logo and branding, making it a great way to promote your business at events and festivals.
  1. Cost-effective: Compared to renting a venue or building a permanent structure, owning a marquee can be a cost-effective option. You only need to purchase the marquee once, and then you can use it for multiple events over the years. If you have a family, there will be many occasions where the local bar or hotel will be asking or huge amounts of cash to let you and your crew have a room for an afternoon or evening.
  1. Easy to set up: While setting up a marquee does require some effort, it\’s generally a straightforward process. With a few people helping out, you can have your marquee up and ready in just a few hours. Each time you do it, it gets easier to do and you get quicker at it.
  1. Long-lasting: With proper care and maintenance, a marquee can last for many years. This means that you can continue to use it for multiple events, making it a wise investment in the long run.

Overall, owning a marquee can offer numerous benefits, from increased versatility and capacity to weather protection and branding opportunities. Whether you\’re hosting a personal event or promoting your business, a marquee can be an excellent investment that will pay off in the long run.

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