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Ireland’s Best Selection of Quality Treadmills
1 year Warranty
Free Nationwide Delivery on Every Model

We offer a wide range of treadmills including SMART, foldable and heavy-duty treadmills, as well as some special models, such as our WorkOut 925, allowing you to walk as you work. Our products are designed to suit all level of users, from beginners to experienced athletes. All models come with an LCD display showing calories burnt, distance, time, heart rate etc. Our next generation SMART treadmills also come with a tablet built into them, so that you can enjoy watching Netflix, YouTube etc. as you work out. Our treadmills are the highest quality, built to last, and at very competitive prices, making them the best value for home gym equipment on the Irish market.

Running on a treadmill is a fantastic way to keep fit. In Ireland, both the weather and lack of suitable running paths can make it difficult to purse your fitness goals and that is where treadmills designed for home use come into play. Avoid those dark, windy, pothole riddled rural roads or noisy, urban roads with no footpaths and a dangerously heavy traffic. Work out from the comfort of own home. Your cardio sessions will gain a whole new level of efficiency if you opt for one of our latest models with multiple features to keep you focused, while burning calories and getting fitter. You can also enjoy your favourite shows or music when running instead of worrying about the perils of uneven running paths.

What Makes the Best Place to Buy a Treadmill?

We have been specialising in treadmills for over 14 years and the glowing Trustpilot and Google reviews prove our dedication to our customers. All of our products are exclusive to us in the Irish market and you cannot get them from anyone else. All of our treadmills are designed for home use and nearly all are foldable. This allows you to enjoy the equipment without having to worry that it will take up too much space. All of our treadmills are also equipped with transport wheels, so moving them around is easy. Whether you need a small walking pad to enhance your home office or a powerful machine for elite level running, we have something for you.

We stock a wide variety of models, as outlined in the short guide below.

Entry Level Treadmills

These would include models such as WorkOut925, GT-PRO 500, POWER TRACK 500, POWER TRACK 1000, POWER TRACK 3000, EasyStore and the T-23 SpaceSaver. These good quality treadmills are suitable for walking and light running.

Mid Range Treadmills

These would include models such as T-42, T-38, T-39, T-40, T-44 ULTRA, GT-PRO 3000, GT-PRO 4000, GT-PRO 5000 and POWER TRACK 4000. They are the most versatile models, suitable for the majority of people who want to walk or run and are looking for a decent sized runway with the addition of extra weight to make your machine more stable. The suspension system will be better than the entry level treadmills. These models may include additional features such as incline, colour touchscreen, automatic lubrication etc.

High End Treadmills

These would include models such as C- 100, C- 99, C-88, C-80, T-98, C-72, C-66, C-44, T-55 ULTRA and GT-PRO 6000. Like with anything, the more you pay, the more you get. These models are top of the range, commercial level treadmills, no different from the ones you find in professional gyms. They are much heavier for improved stability, offer wider and longer runways, have a better range of automatic inclines and more workout programs. Our SMART range also includes large, built in Android tablets, allowing you to watch Netflix, YouTube for example and utilise a wide range of fitness apps. All of these are either self lubricating or have new technology belts which mean that they do not need any oiling for at least two years. This keeps maintenance to a minimum and lets you focus on your workouts. The suspension system will be better than the entry level or mid range treadmills which eases the pressure on your knee and hip joints. These models may include additional features such as incline, colour touchscreen, automatic lubrication etc.

How Can I Lose Weight with the Help of a Treadmill?

It may appear “cliché”, but treadmills truly are an excellent option for anyone looking to lose weight, especially when you know some of the tips and tricks outlined below.

Your desired heart rate should be between 60% and 90% of your maximum heart rate. Your fat burning zone should be between 75% and 90% of your desired heart rate. The rule is simple: if you want to lose weight by running, make sure your heart rate is in the fat burning zone while you exercise (for a minimum of 30 minutes). If you wish to compute the value of the target heart rate on your own, all you need is your maximum heart rate, which may be calculated using the following general formulas:

For men: 220bpm minus your age
For women: 226bpm minus your age
I.e. If you’re a 32 year old woman, your ideal heart rate will be 226 – 32 = 194bpm.

You can also find out your maximum heart rate and target heart rate after consulting with your doctor, which we strongly advise if you do have any underlying medical conditions. You should consult with a GP before embarking on any exercise regime. If you are a novice, your initial priority should be to improve your endurance and aerobic fitness. After 3-4 weeks of training, you should be able to increase the intensity and effectively perform treadmill weight loss routines.

For Beginners:

Running time: 20 minutes
Frequency: 3–4 times per week
Warm up and cool down heart rates should be between 55% and 65% of the maximum heart rate.
During exercising, your target heart rate should be between 65% and 75% of your maximal heart rate.

For Intermediates:

Running time: 30 minutes
Frequency: 4-5 times per week
Warm up and cool down heart rates should be between 55% and 65% of the maximum heart rate.
During exercising, your target heart rate should be between 75% and 85% of your maximal heart rate.

If you can complete the intermediate workouts without any issues, you are in good shape. Try the Advanced Routine, which raises your target heart rate to 80% – 90% of your maximal heart rate (the most efficient weight loss target zone).

For Advanced:

Running time: 40 minutes
Frequency: 4-5 times per week
Warm up and cool down heart rates should be between 55% and 65% of the maximum heart rate.
During exercise, your target heart rate should be between 80% and 90% of your maximal heart rate.

No matter which level of fitness you pursue, please always remember to:

Stretch before and after the workout
Stop if you feel any pain or discomfort
Don’t push too hard, increase the intensity in increments
Know your limits
Seek medical advice before starting or if you encounter any issues

Most importantly, enjoy your workout. Feel free to call us for advice on all aspects of purchasing a treadmill. 021-4389345.

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