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Wheely Easy Chicken Coop – 6-9 Birds – Natural Wood

(2 Customer Reviews)



  • Locking hinged doors
  • Fox proof catch
  • Slide out zinc floor for easy cleaning
  • Ramp going from the run to the living area for easy access for your chickens
  • 1 door to the living area and 1 separate door for access to the run
  • Large run under the main living area
  • Nesting box with a removable wooden roof for easy egg collection
  • Wheels allow ease of movement to facilitate cleaning and ensure your chickens always have a fresh patch of grass to graze on
  • A handle at the run end allows easily moving the coop around
  • Water-based fungicidal treatment of wooden parts
  • High-quality materials
  • Built to last
  • Dimensions: 248 x 90 x 113cm / 8.1 x 3 x 3.7ft ( L x W x H )


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  • Locking hinged doors
  • Fox proof catch
  • Slide out zinc floor for easy cleaning
  • Ramp going from the run to the living area for easy access for your chickens
  • 1 door to the living area and 1 separate door for access to the run part
  • Large run under the main living area
  • Nesting box with a removable wooden roof for easy egg collection
  • Wheels allow ease of movement to facilitate cleaning and ensure your chickens always have a fresh patch of grass to graze on
  • A handle at the run end allows easily moving the coop around
  • Water-based fungicidal treatment of wooden parts
  • High-quality materials
  • Built to last


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Please note


Regarding the published recommended number of birds per coop, the maximum number refers to the birds the size of a Quail and the smaller number refers to the size of an average Chicken, such as a Rhode Island Red, as per ISPCA Guidelines. We highly recommend that you check the dimensions to ensure that this coop is the correct size for the number of birds you plan on having. The number we suggest is a guideline only. Check the dimensions of both the run and the housing to ensure that you are happy with the size.



Taking care of your coop


We recommend using a high quality wood preservative, varnish, roof sealer or water repellent. This should be applied within the week of purchase and/or before heavy rain. You should pay particular attention to all of the roof edges, eaves and all joints, as this will prevent the wood from swelling.

It’s important that you clean out the coop and treat the wood regularly, otherwise it can become brittle and unsightly. We also recommend applying additional coats of wood preserver if the coop is going to be kept outside. To ensure your coop continues to look great, we recommend that you position it in a protected area that is not fully exposed to the elements.

Remember to only use non-toxic, animal-friendly cleaning and treatment products.


Natural wood

Number of birds

6-9 birds


248 x 90 x 113cm / 8.1 x 3 x 3.7ft ( L x W x H )


Kiln-dried & planed 10mm fir wood,

Average Rating

2 Reviews
5 star 50%

4 star 50%

3 star 0%

2 star 0%

1 star 0%

2 reviews for Wheely Easy Chicken Coop – 6-9 Birds – Natural Wood

  1. Stuart D.

    We move this once a week to save our grass and it is amazing. Keeps the chooks safe and it looks nice.

  2. joanne wolfe

    They delivered it to us on a wednesday after ordering in a tuesday. Great service. Wheels are really handy on it.

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