  1. Consult your manual for guidance on how often you should apply oil. On average, every 30km or a minimum of once a year for light usage, every six months for average usage and every three months for heavy usage. Set a Reminder in your phone for the next application. Your InTheMarket.ie Treadmill will arrive already lubricated.
  2. Less is more when applying oil. Apply the liquid silicone oil supplied with your treadmill to the material on the InTheMarket.ie Applicator and let it soak in. A guide would be ½ ounce or 15 milliliters.
  3. The silicone is applied on the Running Board, under the treadmill belt, so turn the oiled part face down to apply.
  4. Go to the part of the treadmill belt where your feet make contact when the treadmill is in use.
  5. You will need to lift the plastic safety runner that runs parallel to the belt.
  6. Carefully use something like a metal butter knife to pry up the edge of the runner.


    1. Lift the belt with one hand and with the other hand, use the Applicator, oiled side down, and put it under the belt, and use a brushing motion, applying as much of the oil as you can to the center, in the area specified in Fig. 1\"\"
    1. Repeat this a number of times (without adding more oil). When you turn on the treadmill, it will distribute the oil along the length of the belt.
    2. Repeat, going to the other side of the belt.
    3. Turn on your treadmill and set the speed for 5km and walk on it for three minutes, walking to the left and right of the belt. This spreads the oil evenly.
    4. Test your treadmill. If it is sticky or sluggish, apply a little more oil, but not too much.
    5. To remove any silicone on your clothes or the belt, use warm soapy water to remove it.
    6. If oil is dripping from the belt, you have used far too much.
    7. If the belt was too tight to get the Applicator under, you may need to loosen the tensioners which are found at the left and right, on the back of the runway.
    8. To loosen, take the Allen Key that came with the treadmill and insert it into the tensioner.
    9. Turn each one anticlockwise one-quarter of a turn at a time, until the belt is loose enough.
    10. Remember to always tighten the belt the exact same amount that you loosened it and that you do the same number of turns on each side.
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